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Robotic hair transplantation: What you need to know

The robotic hair transplant is a perfect example of the advances made through this alliance. It is a new technique that has made life much easier for people suffering from baldness or alopecia. This new technology has revolutionized hair surgery and it seems that the advances in this science are endless.


The robotic hair transplant, an innovative technique

There is no doubt that whether you are a man or a woman, being bald is not very attractive. This situation can have repercussions on your morale and on your self-image. The consequences are sometimes difficult to bear and depression is often the result of such a problem. Thanks to robotic hair transplantation, it is possible to get rid of these problems. This drastic technique can offer a new life to people affected by the problem of baldness and that is why it is very popular.


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In reality, hair transplantation was developed several years ago and has evolved considerably since then. This technique is now implemented by robots that allow a better precision than manual techniques. This makes it possible to be more efficient, to give a better quality of graft and to offer a more natural result.


The Artas® robotic technology has been proven and approved by many experts. They have seen that this technique is safe and has been very effective in clinical trials. This is why it is now widely used in hair transplant centers.


The advantages of robotic hair transplantation

The ARTAS® robotic system offers significant advantages over manual techniques. It provides a more natural result, better graft quality and greater precision. This is why it is used by the largest hair transplant centers and is the subject of clinical trials.



A robotic hair transplant offers greater precision than manual techniques. The Artas® robotic system uses a High Definition Stereoscopic Vision System to perform a more precise and healthy harvest. This system distinguishes healthy hair from diseased hair and determines with great precision the best grafts to remove. 



The Artas ® robot has demonstrated greater rigor than manual techniques. In fact, in clinical trials, the robot made it possible to perform hair transplants that were larger in surface area and volume than manual techniques. It has greatly reduced the risk of error due to fatigue, stress or sudden movements.



Currently, the Artas ® robot is the only one that allows reliable hair removal. In fact, thanks to this technique, the rate of hair samples without roots is 2%. This is a major advantage over manual techniques, where 20% of the hair taken is not taken into account because it is taken without roots. It should be noted that rootless hair does not meet the requirements of hair transplantation because it is not capable of growing.



Robotic hair transplantation, with artificial intelligence algorithms, allows for proper preparation of transplant sites. Based on very precise data, the Artas ® robot is able to coordinate the orientation, angle and direction of each follicular unit. In this way, the hair transplant is more regular and homogeneous.


The course of a robotic hair transplant

Performed on an outpatient basis, the robotic hair transplantation procedure allows for the removal of up to 2,500 to 3,000 grafts and their insertion into the transplant area. It is a safe and painless procedure for the patient. In most cases, the results are noticed from the day after the procedure, the time for the grafts to grow back and start to grow.


As with any cosmetic surgery procedure, robotic hair transplantation begins with a pre-operative interview in which the patient presents his or her aesthetic project and the surgeon explains the procedure. However, the difference with this technology is that the patient can have a very clear and precise idea of the result he or she will obtain. Indeed, the doctor can make a 3D model illustrating the robotic hair transplant solution that best suits him. This way, the patient can see on a screen the results that can be obtained with the robotic hair transplant and can therefore make an informed decision. This pre-operative consultation is performed by the plastic surgeon who performs the robotic hair transplant.


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The procedure itself takes place in 3 key steps. First, the robot ensures the accurate selection and removal of follicular units. Then, with the help of the robot, the doctor performs the repair of the recipient area. Finally, the surgeon re-implants the bulbs into the recipient area.


After the operation, it takes about a week to resume a normal life and to start washing your hair normally.